For any technical queries, including those related to sign-ups, ordering, scheduling, or payments, as well as to share any new ideas or feedback on our products and services, please fill out the form below or email us at and we will get back to you as soon as we can:
For business-related queries, including those from potential partners that would like to work with Hollistic, please reach us using the link to the form at the bottom of the respective webpage on our site, rather than the general contact form above, as these specific forms are tailored to the respective programs of interest.
For personal and professional coaching-related queries, please reach out to one of our coaches, who will take on the role of Mr. H, over WhatsApp at 1-877-HOLLISM (US) or
800-900-HOLLISM (India). To learn more about Mr. H, you may read The Myth of Mr. H. Please introduce yourself and include your query in the same message so that we can provide a prompt response from a special service that Hollistic® offers called H-Love.
H-Love is the Unconditional Coaching facility that we offer to anyone who becomes a part of the Hollistic® family, simply by contacting us here. The H-Love tags distributed across the Web symbolize recognition and representation of the embodiment of "Hollistic" values. They are used to honor the contributions made not only by our coaches but also by any individual who assists others in overcoming challenges through online communication venues. This tag stands as a symbol of respect for humanity, acknowledging the positive impact of those aligned with our principles and the support extended by our organization. Our free H-Love service is available to you through this webpage any time you may be feeling challenged and wish to talk to someone, are looking for simple hand-holding support, a bouncing-board, or a suggestion in your daily life. Further, if you are running a group or organization of any kind, you may reach us here for quick feedback to help solve general challenges. The topics we cover are, broadly, (1) health, wellness, and personal development, (2) people and relationships, and (3) career, finances, and organizational issues. However, we are open to almost any topic of discussion. We offer this service unconditionally in both a personal and professional capacity, to people from all backgrounds, all countries, and in any language (we are willing to take creative measures to facilitate communication). All we ask if you're happy with our service, is that you leave us your feedback (which we may display on our website) and share the love by linking to this page or sharing it with others who could also use our help. We also encourage you to share a link to this page with any person, both online and in the real world, that you feel could use our help or guidance in any non-emergency matter, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life. Feel free to take a print-out of our H-Love contact information and hand it to any person that you feel can use our guidance. Contact us through H-Love by sending us your entire query in a concise message and our team will get back to you as soon as we can with our unconditional best!
While using our H-Love services, please keep in mind that as we are coaches specialized in personal and professional development, we primarily work by assisting you to sort through your own thoughts and emotions, and help you make better decisions for yourself or your group. We strive to ensure that any personally identifiable information sent through this service is kept strictly confidential.
In case we cannot answer your query via H-Love, we may recommend that you sign up for a coaching session or refer you to a more suitable source. We do suggest that you first contact us through H-Love before signing up for a coaching session, so we may evaluate your needs and ensure that we are the best people to help you. Please note that pre-consultation planning and evaluation of your case is completely free; only working on solutions through a customized coaching session, which is scheduled in advance, would incur a fee. Further, please note that in the case of any emergency or time-sensitive matters, you must contact your local police or emergency services rather than attempting to use our services at that time.
There are many ways to contribute towards Hollistic's humanitarian efforts. If you would like to offer your time, please review the partnership options discussed on our Services page. In order to make a financial contribution, you may review the options on our Capital page or for smaller contributions, just click on the shopping cart and proceed with the contributory options available there. Finally, if you would like to donate any physical items, either new or used, towards the benefit of others, we can help you find the most suitable beneficiaries and guide you through the entire process of making your contribution using Hollistic's proprietary approach at no additional cost to you; simply contact us with details, including pictures, of the items you wish to donate, using the contact form above.
Should you or any person you know wish to spread an original-only activism, petitioning, social movement, human, animal, or environmental rights message or to file a related rights violation or complaint outside of a time-critical emergency (including by sharing of original photo, audio, and video content, and locating and joining existing petitions), you may reach us through our contact form. Our coaches will guide you through the process of spreading your message and/or filing your report with the appropriate local and international departments, including the United Nations, relevant embassies and consulates, governmental departments, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) at no cost to you. These awareness-related queries should be sent through our contact form only.
Finally, please note that we reserve the right to withhold our services for any reason and we disclaim any and all liability and risk of any outcome from using our services. By proceeding to use our services, you are agreeing to all of the terms stated above, as well as our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, as detailed on our website. Click on the contact link above to continue to H-Love!