General Questions

Q1. What is Hollistic?

A1. The term, “Hollistic,” by definition, means whole, absolute, and complete. What is it that makes anything whole is a question that we love to deeply explore and try to understand. Within life itself, holistic living is about taking care of each aspect of yourself for your overall physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Our organization works towards Human-Centered Development and Impact (HCDI) in a multi-dimensional manner, using our five-path model:

  • Content: Developing and distributing various forms of content to help people improve the quality of their lives
  • Products: Retailing of product merchandise for the purpose of promoting the upliftment of humanity and improvement of life
  • Services: Offering multi-dimensional education, certification, and franchising services in conjunction with our global network of partners to help transform individuals and organizations
  • Ventures: Building out humanity-oriented ventures that can make a substantial difference in the lives of people
  • Capital: Investing of conscious capital in people, ideas, and projects that create a positive impact on society
Q2. What are Hollistic's vision, purpose, and goals?

A2. Hollistic’s vision is to build the world’s Humanity Development Ecosystem. Our purpose is to help people understand, witness, and grow towards the magnificence and beauty that they truly are. Our primary goal is to maximize our efforts in the Human-Centered Development and Impact (HCDI) space, which we map through our five-path model, consisting of Content, Products, Services, Ventures, and Capital.

Q3. What kind of data is tracked with Hollistic's Life Impact Tracker? What are MEIUs and how does Hollistic use this metric to measure its impact?

A3. Hollistic believes in creating multi-dimensional impact through our project work in each of our focus areas, namely Content, Products, Services, Ventures, and Capital. As our projects can vary greatly in the size and quality of impact on their audience, we track the impact data using estimates for the number of lives (both humans and animals) that we believe to be positively impacted in any meaningful way and to any degree. Due to the complex dynamics involved in impact measurement, we limit estimates to 1 to 3 years of data only, depending on the type of project involved, even if the actual impact may continue long into the future. For simplicity, we only measure direct and primary-level impact through our project work and not indirect, secondary, or tertiary effects of impact. Further, in order to better standardize and quantify the impact of our diverse projects, Hollistic® has formulated the Meal-Equivalent Impact Units (MEIU) measurement system, estimating, purely theoretically, the number of meals that a beneficiary of a project's work may be willing to substitute in order to obtain the benefits of that project. The MEIU figures can range from 1 to several hundred, depending on the benefits being offered. Thus, by keeping a meal-equivalent as the lowest common denominator of all impactful work, we are able to better gauge the size of our impact over time through our diverse, multi-dimensional projects.

Q4. How can I partner with Hollistic and contribute towards your vision?

A4. At Hollistic, we offer various kinds of partnerships, as we understand that a better world can only be built with the help of a large number of minds and hearts working together for a common cause. We work with our five-path model, consisting of Content, Products, Services, Ventures, and Capital, and offer partnership options through each of these avenues:

  • Through our Content path, we work with other content developers to co-create and distribute meaningful educational content through various media channels.
  • Through our Products path, we select unique products from specialized manufacturers pertaining to the Human-Centered Development and Impact (HCDI) space to be marketed worldwide, exclusively under the Hollistic® brand.
  • Through our Services path, we partner globally with coaches and other professionals working on Human-Centered Development and Impact (HCDI) to collaborate on projects, offer our Hollistic® Certification Program to other organizations, and our Hollistic-X™ Franchise Program to other coaches.
  • Through our Ventures path, we partner with other entrepreneurs and investors to help build out Human-Centered Development and Impact (HCDI) projects.
  • And finally, through our Capital path, we partner with other entrepreneurs and investors to identify and invest in projects and people that are making a significant positive impact on society.

To discuss partnering ideas related to any segment of our multi-model approach, please reach us through our Contact page.

Q5. How can I promote Hollistic's products and services and earn a commission by doing so?

A5. Hollistic directly partners with project promoters for all of our project types, in exchange for revenue-share of any projects brought in by the promoter. Please contact us to explore the best project promotion option for you.

Content Questions

Q1. Where can I view your Educational and Coaching-related content?

A1. You may view Hollistic’s Educational and Coaching-related content on our website’s Content page, as well as through several social media platforms, by clicking through the appropriate social icons or visiting the social platform and searching for our company name, “Hollistic” (note the double L).

Q2. How do I partner with Hollistic in order to create and distribute Educational and Coaching-related content?

A2. To explore partnering to create and distribute Educational and Coaching-related content, contact us through the contact form on the Content page of our website. The content types we collaborate on include Text, Images, Audio, and Video, which we further develop and distribute as Books, Courses, Music, Film, and other Mixed Media for delivery both online and in the real world.

Products Questions

Q1. Do you offer bulk discounts on product orders?

A1. We offer a 25% discount on orders of 5 or more items. Family Packs also receive this discount. The discount promo code is automatically applied in the shopping cart upon checkout.

Q2. Can a product order be exchanged? What is the cancellation, return, credit, and refund policy?

A2. A product order once received cannot be exchanged. However, you may send any product order back to us within 7 days of the delivery date for any reason, for a full account credit, deposited in your Account Wallet. We advise that you use the most economical method of shipping, include tracking, delivery, signature confirmation, and/or insurance on any return shipment, and retain all receipts to be shared with us if needed. In case you would like a replacement item, please use your account credit to place a new order. Please note that all returns must be pre-authorized in order to receive an account credit and we reserve the right to adjust account credits on returned items as appropriate. Kindly note that in all cases, we only offer account credits, rather than refunds. Additionally, any account credit used from your Wallet will incur a $1 processing fee when used, and your Wallet credit does not expire.

Q3. I have paid for return shipping over and above the account credit received for the returned item. How do I apply for an additional return shipping credit?

A3. In case you have paid return shipping over and above the full amount that has been credited to you, you may apply for an additional return shipping credit by contacting us and sharing your return shipping receipt. Please note that any return shipping credit is limited to $10 per order, for both domestic and international shipments, and the amount would be credited into your Account Wallet.

Q4. How can I partner with Hollistic in order to create an exclusive Human-Centered Development and Impact (HCDI) product for the Hollistic® brand, to be marketed and distributed through your sales platform?

A4. Hollistic partners with manufacturers of product merchandise to design and develop exclusive Human-Centered Development and Impact (HCDI) products for the Hollistic® brand, to be marketed and distributed through our sales platform. To apply, please contact us with your unique product idea, design brief, and pricing plan, through the contact form on our Products page.

Services Questions

Q1. How can Hollistic's coaching programs impact my life?

A1. Hollistic's coaching programs can help you deal with any and all kinds of issues, whether related to health and well-being, personal and professional relationships, or career and finances. We help you delve deeper into the core reasons for these issues and as you learn more about yourself, the answers to the issues start unraveling one by one. The program impacts you at many levels, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Our program will help you look deep into your own mind (i.e. thoughts), and heart (i.e. emotions), to understand yourself better, as well as your choices and actions.

Q2. What is the Hollistic Core Life and Organizational Education Program (HCLOE™)?

A2. The Hollistic Core Life and Organizational Education Program (HCLOE™) is a comprehensive five-module educational program in Individual and Organizational Development. The program consists of five main themes, focused on both the personal and the professional world: Self/Org, Perspective/Strategy, People/Market, Communication/Collaboration, and World/Impact. Almost all challenges faced by people and organizations today largely relate to these five themes, and we endeavor to help you overcome them through our multi-dimensional educational methodology. By equipping you or your team with the right life and organizational skills to understand each situation clearly and enable you to see the bigger picture, we help you make the best choices and decisions for yourself or your organization.

Q3. What does a coach do? Will the coach solve my problems for me? What is the difference between a coach, counselor, consultant, therapist, or other such professional?

A3. At Hollistic, we refer to “coaching” as a profession that combines multiple educational, communicative, and interactive methods of helping people work on improving their lives. As such, our coaches combine all of the above, including in certain cases, meditation, visualization, movement work, game play, music, film, dance, theater, and more, in their coaching sessions. However, a coach only facilitates the process of problem solving for the client, so the client is the one who actually solves their own problem through the coaching process. A coach works to understand your issues through a coaching session, either online or in person. Once the issues are identified through in-depth interactive sessions, the coach helps you address those issues by using various tools and encourages you to introspect and come up with your own solutions. Thus, a coaching session helps you reach deep within yourself to understand the root cause of your issue, which then leads to a change in how you think, feel, and act. In order to explain the differences between these professions briefly, here’s a quick summary of the methods involved:

Coaching: An inquiry process, a deep exploration of the client's own thoughts and emotions about their story, rather than the details of the story itself

Counselling: A listening process, discussing the details of the client's story, with some degree of advice

Consulting: Discussing and assisting with decision-making and explaining the best way to approach a particular situation

Therapy: A process of emotional release through discussion of the client's story, focusing primarily on the client's emotions

Please note that we use the term "coaching" in a broader, educational capacity, encompassing all of these methods and more, and our professionals may combine methods in order to help you achieve your goals through a coaching session.

Q4. Do you guarantee results through the coaching process?

A4. While we certainly hope that you receive exactly the results that you seek, if not better, we are unable to offer any guarantees with respect to results, simply because the primary aim of our work is to help guide you towards what your inner voice tells you, through your own thoughts and emotions. Making sense of your inner reality is where we come in, but that reality is still owned by you, as are the results that you manifest into your life. You are the creator and the upholder of your own outcome throughout the coaching process and beyond.

Q5. What does the structure of a coaching session look like? What is the Coach-Client Agreement?

A5. At the start of a coaching session, the coach will design an agreement with you, called the “Coach-Client Agreement.” This would be a non-binding, verbal and/or written set of preferences that you may have for the coaching session itself. Front-loading this agreement ensures that the session begins according to your preferences, without requiring discussion during the session itself. The structure of the actual coaching session is left to the discretion of the coach, who would decide the best methods and tools to use at any stage of the coaching session. The coach may check with you to see that you are comfortable with that particular method or tool prior to using it. Thus, certain aspects of the structure of a coaching session would be present in the Coach-Client Agreement, while other aspects would be more impromptu, adjustable, and discussed during the session itself.

Q6. How does online coaching work?

A6. For online coaching, the coach contacts you or your group via WhatsApp on your registered number and then the sessions can be conducted over an audio or video call (whichever is preferable to you). Prior to scheduling a session, we suggest availing yourself of our free unconditional coaching option called H-Love, described on our Contact page. All calls and messages are strictly private and confidential, and the coach will help you or your group resolve your issues using multiple ideas, methods, and modes of communication.

Q7. How does in-person coaching work? Where can I attend a live coaching event?

A7. We offer in-person coaching in specific regions of the world on a customized basis, where our coaches are currently present and available. In-person coaching addresses specific issues for yourself or your team, while live public coaching events are more general and educational in nature, exploring newer concepts in personal and professional life.

Q8. How do I know if I need a coach? What kinds of personal challenges can you help me resolve?

A8. Most often, coaching-related topics tend to come from one of the three major areas of life: Health and Wellness, People and Relationships, and Career and Finances. If you have a question in your mind that you’ve been searching for an answer to, have repetitive thoughts or emotions that you find difficult to manage, need to make an important decision but would like to be more certain before proceeding, would like to change a habit that no longer serves your greater self, or would like to experience growth in one or more areas of life, you could use the help of a coach. While these are more common areas, there is no limit to the number of ways that a coach can serve as an asset to you. To explore further if a coach can help you, reach us through the H-Love link on the Contact page of our website and try out our unconditionally free session.

Q9. What are the Top 10 topics that you discuss in your coaching programs?

A9. Our current Top 10 list of coaching topics is shown below. This ranking does change from time to time, so be sure to check in again in the future:

  • #1 Communication Methods
  • #2 Coaching Methods
  • #3 The Mind
  • #4 Emotions
  • #5 Relationships
  • #6 Conflict and Resolution
  • #7 Acceptance and Forgiveness
  • #8 Conditionality and Love
  • #9 Balance, Growth, and Purpose
  • #10 Decision-Making

Q10. What are the guidelines for clients to use during a coaching session?

A10. The following guidelines are for clients to use during a coaching session:

  • We will start with a Coach-Client Agreement, in order to set the structure and expectations of the coaching session.
  • A disclaimer will need to be signed prior to the start of the session, noting that the outcome of the session cannot be pre-determined.
  • The session will last for at least as long as you have signed up for, including breaks. Extension requests, if approved by your coach, would need to be made through our website prior to continuing the session.
  • You may be asked to sit, lie down, stand, walk, visit alternate spaces, take notes, and/or make other changes from time to time during the session.
  • Please note that a coach may guide you in different ways, such as through questions, ideas, intuitions, suggestions, visualizations, movement, educational content, music, film, dance, performing arts, and more, but any decisions are to be made by you alone.
  • Due to the meditative, therapeutic, and sleep-inducing effect that the session may have, we advise against driving, lifting heavy objects, or participating in other such mentally, emotionally, or physically taxing tasks right after the session.
Q11. How do I know if my group or organization needs a coach? What kinds of group or organizational challenges can you help with?

A11. Almost any organization can use the guidance of a team of coaches to help facilitate learning and change, boost morale, and help take the organization to a higher level. We work with corporates, start-ups, NGOs (Non-Profits), socially connected communities, and other small groups. The group and organizational work we offer as coaches includes ideation and innovation, team-building, group facilitation, mediation, thematic discussions, organizational development, life skills training, and much more. Connect with us through the H-Love link on our Contact page to explore how we may address the needs of your group or organization.

Q12. Do you offer any special pricing on coaching services for Schools, Colleges, Universities, NGOs (Non-Profits), Students, individuals of Low Income, or H-Love Certified status?

A12. Yes, we offer special discounts to individuals and organizations from Schools, Colleges, Universities, NGOs (Non-Profits), Students, or those from Low Income, or H-Love Certified status (recipients of our H-Love tag). Please contact us with proof of status to receive our special discount promo code that can be applied in the shopping cart upon checkout.

Q13. What is the cancellation, return, credit, and refund policy for a coaching program or related service?

A13. We permit cancellations with a minimum of 24 hours’ notice prior to a coaching session for a full account credit, deposited in your Account Wallet. Beyond this period, we only permit re-scheduling of a session if requested at least 1 hour prior to the start of the session. Both cancellations and rescheduling requests can be made directly by logging in to your account on our website. Kindly note that in all cases we only offer account credits, rather than refunds. Additionally, any account credit used from your Wallet incurs a $1 processing fee when used, and your Wallet credit does not expire. Please note that for security reasons, any program that is advertised as free would still incur a $1 processing fee, which is automatically credited back into your Wallet.

Q14. How do I partner with Hollistic in order to collaborate on group projects?

A14. Contact us through the application form on the Services page of our website to explore partnering and working with us on larger group projects, delivered both online and in-person, in the form of project assignments, group discussions, thematic presentations, educational seminars, health and wellness retreats, and other such avenues.

Q15. What is the Hollistic® Recommendation Program (Level 0)? What kinds of individuals and organizations do you recommend and list on your website, and how does the recommendation process work?

A15. The Hollistic® Recommendation Program (Level 0) is a free and highly selective program, where you may apply to be one of our select few recommended individuals or organizations offering your services in any area of work, that we find to imbibe principles and values that are of a truly "Hollistic®" nature. We are particularly interested in recommending individuals and organizations working in the Human-Centered Development and Impact (HCDI) space, which encompasses a number of different fields. As we are looking at connecting our customers with exceptional experiences by service providers that make the effort to address multiple human dimensions simultaneously through their service offerings, our selection criteria are unique to our own values and our selectivity rate tends to be very low. To be sure, you may find our listings to have more of a "humane" bias, as compared with a "luxurious" one. For service providers that would like to apply to our recommendation program, simply choose the appropriate option on our Services page to schedule a meeting with our team, which will be conducted over a live online call, and present your service offerings over the call. We also intend to share our feedback with you over the call itself. The meeting can be as short as a few minutes to as long as an hour or more, but most meetings are completed in under 30 minutes. Our selection process generally takes under 1 week. If selected, we will contact you in order to obtain your details and add your services to the Hollistic® Recommended section of our website.

Q16. What options are offered in the Hollistic® Coaching Program (Level I)?

A16. The Hollistic® Coaching Program offers both individual and organizational coaching services. In either case, our coaching service utilizes our 5-module HCLOE™ program for individual and organizational development. We offer coaching in several focus areas, as displayed in the matrix on the Services page of our website, and which may be selected by you prior to the start of the coaching session. Connect with us through our Contact page in order to explore how we may help with your individual or organizational development through our multi-dimensional coaching services.

Q17. How does the Hollistic® Certification Program (Level II) work and what does it entail?

A17. The Hollistic® Certification Program (Level II) is provided to individual coaches and organizations that would like to have the right to display the Hollistic® Certified logo along with their own branding material. The service entails providing the individual coach or organization with comprehensive multi-dimensional coaching services, and upon meeting our rigorous quality standards, earn the right to display the Hollistic® Certified logo along with their own brand name. This service is offered as coaching using our HCLOE™ program over 5 half-day sessions. Connect with us through our Contact page in order to explore how we may help you or your organization become Hollistic® Certified.

Q18. How can I become a franchisee of the Hollistic-X™ Franchise Program (Level III)?

A18. Our Hollistic-X™ Franchise Program (Level III) enables individual coaches and organizations to join our Retail Franchise Network to receive our training and be able to offer their products and services under our franchise name. These individual coaches and organizations earn the right to display the Hollistic-X™ Franchise Program logo and our website address along with their own branding material. The “X” in Hollistic-X™ here stands for “Extension,” signifying that the franchisee is an extension of our own brand, processes, and quality standards. Hollistic-X™ franchisees are promoted through our Retail Franchise Network, and can help bring new customers to the franchisee's location. This service is offered as an annual license with a revenue-share arrangement and includes both Hollistic® Coached services as well as Hollistic® Certified services. Connect with us through our Contact page to explore how we may help you become a franchisee of the Hollistic-X™ Franchise Program.

Ventures Questions

Q1. How can I learn more about one of your venture ideas?

A1. If you’d like to explore one of our Human-Centered Development and Impact (HCDI) ventures, get in touch with us with your request, describing your background and purpose of interest, and we will get back to you with further information.

Q2. How do I apply to partner with Hollistic, in order to build out one of your ventures? What expertise would I need and what would you provide me with?

A2. In order to partner with Hollistic for the purpose of building out one of our Human-Centered Development and Impact (HCDI) ventures, contact us through the application form on our Ventures page, describing the project you are interested in, and we will get in touch with you to schedule a meeting, either online or in-person. We are looking for seasoned entrepreneurs, preferably a team of two with skills that complement each other, who would work together to build and run the venture together. We initially work with the team in a coaching and consulting capacity to help get the project off the ground, and continue in a similar role thereafter.

Q3. How do I partner with Hollistic in order to invest in one or more of your ventures? What role would Hollistic take in such a partnership?

A3. Hollistic partners with investors interested in any of our ventures that are run by teams of entrepreneurs in conjunction with us. In order to reach us to discuss, please use the appropriate investor form on the Ventures page of our website.

Capital Questions

Q1. How do I apply for capital in my conscious project or venture? What kind of projects are you looking to fund? How much funding can I ask for?

A1. To apply for capital in a conscious project or venture, you would need to demonstrate through a detailed presentation how the project or venture can have a positive and meaningful impact on society. We are currently providing early-stage angel, pre-seed, or seed capital only, including in new business units and spin-offs of larger entities, in conjunction with our investment partners, in exchange for equity in the company. Please note that we only invest in corporations or private limited companies with 2 or more owners/partners, in certain regions and sectors, as detailed on our website. Your application may be submitted through the Capital page of our website.

Q2. How do I partner with Hollistic in order to invest in conscious projects or ventures? What role would Hollistic take in such a partnership?

A2. Hollistic partners with investors to narrow down and select the most suitable conscious projects or ventures looking to raise early-stage angel, pre-seed, or seed capital, in exchange for equity in the company. In addition to providing introductions and going through the selection process with the investment partner, Hollistic continues in a coaching and consulting capacity with the selected venture. In order to reach us to discuss, please use the appropriate contact form on the Capital page of our website.

Q3. Who can be nominated for the Hollistic Extraordinary Person Award (HEPA)? How can I apply?

A3. Each year, Hollistic accepts nominations for our Hollistic Extraordinary Person Award (HEPA) of any individual in an academic or policy-related position who has completed exceptional work in a humanitarian projects. Nominations can only be made on behalf of someone else, so you cannot apply to HEPA or nominate yourself. Your nominations can be submitted through the Capital page on our website.

Q4. What are the eligibility criteria and the program requirements for the Hollistic Scholarship Program (H-Scholar)? How do I apply?

A4. To apply for the Hollistic Scholarship program, you must be pursuing an educational degree (Master’s level or higher) at any well-acclaimed university, and demonstrate service in an underserved sector of society. Once accepted to the program, you will be expected to serve as an independent contractor for our organization or any of our selected partners within one year of receiving the scholarship. Your application may be submitted on the Capital page of our website.

Q5. What is the H-Fellow program and how can Hollistic help me settle a small debt and achieve debt-free status?

A5. Hollistic provides accepted participants in our Debt-to-Fellow Program (H-Fellow) the opportunity to have their debts repaid by one or more of our donors. In return, fellows must commit to providing independent contract humanitarian work for our organization or any of our partners for a period of time determined to be commensurate with the debt. In this way, we partner with our fellows to help them overcome their debts while also giving back to society. Each fellow has the potential to graduate the program debt-free and with the title of “H-Fellow.” In order to reach out to discuss, please use the appropriate form on the Capital page of our website.

Q6. What is the H-Philo program and how can Hollistic help in settling a larger debt between two parties?

A6. Hollistic’s Debt-to-Philanthropist Program (H-Philo) helps to facilitate quick and positive debt repayment experiences in special circumstances of larger debts. Any individual or organization who has accrued debt can apply for a percentage of their debt to be used towards humanitarian work by our organization or any of our selected partners, thereby incentivizing philanthropic work and facilitating debt repayment. In order to reach out to discuss, please use the appropriate form on the Capital page of our website.

Q7. How can my non-profit organization be sponsored by Hollistic to work towards societal improvement? How do Hollistic and my non-profit collaborate through the structured sponsorship model?

A7. Through Hollistic Structured Sponsorships, we facilitate financial support for non-profits working towards societal improvement in developing regions, primarily in the housing, healthcare, and education sectors. Our sponsored non-profit organizations then assist us with promotional activities. In order to reach out to discuss, please use the appropriate form on the Capital page of our website.

Other Questions

Q1. How can I contribute towards Hollistic's humanitarian efforts?

A1. We offer several ways for individuals and organizations to contribute towards our humanitarian goals, including by offering their time, through financial assistance, as well as by donating physical goods that may greatly benefit others. In order to review these options in more detail, please visit the Contributory Assistance section on our Contact page and reach us through the medium most suitable to your purpose.

Q2. What are Awareness Activities? How can Hollistic help me spread my activism message?

A2. Awareness Activities is the term we use to refer to our coaching for people looking to spread activism, petitioning, social movement, human, animal, or environmental rights messages, or to file a related rights violation or complaint outside of a time-critical emergency. Our aim is to help you spread your message and/or file a report with the appropriate departments or agencies, at no cost to you. In this free coaching session, we will discuss strategies and resources for achieving your goal. You can make an awareness-related query by using the appropriate form on our Contact page.

Q3. What is H-Love? How does Hollistic help serve as the World's Backup? What is an H-Coach?

A3. H-Love is the term we use to describe our unconditionally free coaching service, which we offer as a trial to all of our visitors. We follow the ideal of serving as the “World’s Backup” and be unconditionally present to all those who have nowhere else to turn. This service is provided purely for the purpose of deepening our connection with humanity. As such, we are also unconditionally available to guide other coaches here, who offer their valuable time and service to others. We term such coaches employing holistic values as H-Coaches. In a coaching session, the primary topics of discussion include (1) Health, Wellness, and Personal Development, (2) People and Relationships, and (3) Career and Finances. However, the actual topics of discussion may come from any area of life. We offer this service unconditionally to all, including children, adults, and seniors, from all backgrounds, all countries, and in any language (we would use actions to convey our thoughts, if necessary). In this free coaching session, it is possible that you obtain the answers that you were looking for and there would be no one happier than us to see you finally unlock your deeper self. In case you feel you’re looking for more, we would request you to sign up for any of our programs and we can then take you forward on our journey into the multi-dimensional realms of the human mind, heart, and soul.

Q4. Who is Mr. H? What is Hollisticity?

A4. Mr. H is a name that is not owned by any particular person. It is a term that can only be borrowed, for a particular time and situation, when one wishes to act in the best possible manner for that situation, which may mean going much beyond one's normal abilities, exhibiting what we call Hollisticity, a state of allowance of all positive qualities within oneself. So the bigger question here is... When will YOU be the next Mr. H? :-)